Bible Studies
Do you have a question about faith, religion, the Bible or God? Are you saved?
Maybe you've been thinking a lot about spiritual matters lately. It's natural to wonder if there's something MORE and for our hearts to be seeking out answers. Maybe you've questioned your own salvation? Our family here at Rock Bridge doesn't pretend to know it all but we do know the One who can answer these questions for you. If you have a question or are interested in Bible study at home or online, click this link to contact us and our minister, Rich Shockley, will get back to you. YOU matter. YOU are loved. And we want you to know the God we love and love Him as we love Him!
And don't forget! We have classes for all ages Sunday mornings @ 10AM and Wednesday nights @ 7pm. PLUS we have worship services on Sundays @ 11AM and 6PM. Join us if you like to know more about Jesus and all He's done for YOU.